Hydrogen power replaces diesel generators at ACCIONA construction site

Sustainable construction in action
ACCIONA and AFC Energy have teamed up to showcase what the future of construction will look like. The fuel cell will be one of the first uses of such zero emission hydrogen technology deployed on a European construction site.
Our shared mission to mitigate the affects of climate change led us to collaborate together on this innovative project. It saw our first S series H-Power Tower successfully deployed.
Replacing diesel generation
This project demonstrates how temporary power for off-grid construction sites can switch from polluting diesel generators to hydrogen fuel cells.
The 530 hours of operation avoided 3 tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere, saved over 1,000 litres of diesel and prevented air pollutants emissions such as the oxides of nitrogen and sulphur.

Delivering clean power when and where it’s needed
In the first deployment of many, the H-Power Tower operated effectively. It matched its flexible generation of power with the varying load requirements you’d expect from a construction site, and it did this during the high temperatures of the Spanish summer. It also helped us identify ways to further improve the technology, which will be factored into our next generation of H-Power Towers.
"I think hydrogen is the most feasible and realistic technology to satisfy in a sustainable way the power needs not only from the construction site compounds but also from the heavy construction machinery used in the construction projects. Our partnership with AFC Energy is very important for us because we are convinced that AFC Energy is a key technological partner that will help us adopt and implement the use of hydrogen gensets as an essential tool for the decarbonisation of our construction activities. What I like … most about AFC technology [is] its modularity, easy size of scalability and compactness. And what I like more about the field trial today is that we’ve managed to achieve the target of not using for the entire duration of the pilot the former polluting diesel genset that was powering the site before we started the trial."